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Schedule baby vaccines, required school vaccinations, adult vaccines, vaccines for immigration, and vaccines for school/employment programs. Super Shot requires insurance information if insured. If uninsured, we ask for a $15 per vaccine administration fee, but turn no one away for inability to pay this fee. Click here to learn more about available vaccines and what you’ll need to bring to your appointment.
WEDNESDAYS • 1-4 pm • Location: Hobson Road
As an added service, the Allen County Health Department will be providing sports physicals and lead testing during Health Hub every Wednesday in June and July 2024 at Super Shot. All patient vaccine records will be checked, and needed vaccines will be recommended, regardless of appointment type. If insured, insurance information must be provided.
The Allen County Department of Health, in partnership with Super Shot, will be onsite every Wednesday this summer from 1:00-4:00 pm to offer FREE physicals to any Allen County resident in middle or high school. These physicals will be offered by appointment only.
• Physical forms must be provided by the patient to be completed by the physician.
• Basic physicals will be provided, free of charge, for any middle school or high school students for school or sports requirements. If your child has a chronic/serious health condition, please contact your primary care physician.
• As an added service, Super Shot will review all patients’ state immunization records to ensure they are up-to-date on all ACIP recommended vaccines.
The Allen County Department of Health, in partnership with Super Shot, will be onsite every Wednesday this summer from 1:00-4:00 pm offering blood lead testing free of charge, by appointment only.
The Indiana Department of Health requires all providers to ensure children receive a blood lead test at the following stages:
• Between the ages of 9 and 13 months
• Between the ages of 21 and 27 months
• Any child between 28 and 72 months that does not have a record or prior blood test
Indiana statute requires that ALL children enrolled in Medicaid receive a blood level test at 12 and 24 months of age. Any child between 24 and 72 months enrolled in Medicaid, with no previous blood lead screening test, must receive one.
As an added service, Super Shot will review all children’s state immunization records to ensure they are up-to-date on lead testing as well as all ACIP recommended vaccines.
Sports physicals and lead testing are provided in partnership by the Allen County Department of Health.